If a strange black cat suddenly appears on your doorstep or your front porch..it's a sign of GOOD LUCK..it also means future prosperity or you're going to win a jackpot.
According to Celtic myth..a fairy known as Cat Sith or Cat Sidhe takes the form of a black cat.

World richest cat is an Italiano black cat named Tomasso.He inherited 13 millions from his owner after her death and earned Guiness World Records.

If a black cat sneezes right in front of you..it means GOOD LUCK and prosperity will follow.

World richest cat is an Italiano black cat named Tomasso.He inherited 13 millions from his owner after her death and earned Guiness World Records.
Killing a black cat will bring 17 years of BAD LUCK.

Cat is NOT ALLOWED to enter a room or house when the family members are discussing their family affairs with the fear that the cat will spread the family's secrets to outsiders all over the town.

Japanese believes that keeping a black cat means you're ATTRACTIVE.Having a black cat as a PET also means GOOD LUCK to them.If you're a single and you owns a black cat..it will attract suitors for you.
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