Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Amazon Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears For Sodium Intake

Butterflies were once called 'flutterbys'.
Butterflies can see red..green..and yellow colors.

Butterflies have no lungs and breathes through their stomach openings.Butterflies smells with their antennas and drink flower nectars with their hind feet.

Butterflies never produces body waste because their nectar intake being used as energy.Their habitats are prairies..
grasslands and etc.

Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperatures less than 86 degrees.
Butterflies can fly up to 12 km/h.

A group of butterflies is called kaleidoscope.

Chrysalis is butterflies body chemical produces to change caterpillars into butterflies.

Metamorphosis is the process where caterpillars turned into butterflies.

More facts on flutterbys butterflies.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Husky Alaskan Malamutes Survive Negative 70 Degrees

Alaskan Malamutes can be traced back since 3,000 years ago.Alaskan Malamutes are huskies of the most unaltered modern day breed.

Alaskan Malamutes comes in the pure white..grey and white..sable and white..and red and white colors.

Alaskan Malamutes are world strongest sled dogs with the ability to pull 3,000 pound loads.

Alaskan Malamutes are an Arctic huskies with double thick coats to keep them warm in winter and cooling them in summer.

An Inuit Eskimo tribe called the Mahlemuits of Alaska developed this beautiful husky breed.

Alaskan Malamutes becomes modern families companions for their unique characteristics.They're intelligent..
energetic..affectionate..and loyal to their humans.

Alaskan Malamutes are versatile working husky breed for sledding..hunting..and guarding.

In 2010..Alaskan Malamutes becomes the official husky of Alaska.Their black pigmentations protects them from harsh sun..snow..and ice.

Their wolves lookalike makes them famous in movies such as Indiana Jones:Temple Of Doom and Jack London's novels.More pawsome husky facts.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Scorpion Venom~World Most Expensive Venom

Scorpions are the most widespread predatory arachnids with venomous stingers in the Northern Hemisphere.

The word 'scorpions' is the romanization of the Greek word 'skorpios'.Scorpions are nocturnal and fossorial.

Scorpions natural habitats are mountains..
caves..ground dwellings..trees..
rocks with sand..and etc.

Scorpions shows photophobic behaviours as protections from predators such as birds..centipedes..lizards..opossums..rats.

Scorpions consumed small arthropod insects..spiders..as well as other scorpions. Scorpions used their pincers to capture and crush their prey.

Scorpions prefers courtship dance called 'promenade a deux' to find the most appropriate place to lay it's spermatophore.

Baby scorpions are born alive.

According to Ancient Egypt folklore..
goddess Serket..believed to be one of the goddesses to protects Pharaohs..comes in the form of a scorpion.

More facts on scorpions.