Thursday, January 5, 2017

Google Hired Camel To Create The Street View Of A Desert

Camel lives in the desert areas of Africa and Asia.Camel is 7 feet tall and weigh up to 1,500 pounds.

Camel's feet consists of toes that's spread when they touches the ground and prevents them from sinking into the sand.

Camel can run up to 64 km/h.

Types of camels..

(i)Dromedary(single hump camel)

(ii)Bacterian(double humps camel).

Camel's humps are camel's fat storage that can be changed into energy and water in the time of need.

Camel can stay alive for three weeks without water.

Camel can travel up to 160 km/h in hot desert without water.

A dehydrated camel can drinks between 100 to 150 litres of water within 10 minutes.

Camels are ruminants which means they have four-chambered stomach and two-toed foot.

Camel can close their nose to prevent sand from getting into their nose.

Camel have shorter set of eyelashes and longer set of eyelashes to protects their eyes during sandstorms.

Camel's furry ears are protection against dust and sand.

Male camel is called bull.

Female camel is called cow.

Young camel is called calf.

A group of camel is called herd.

Bacterian Camel is the endangered camel breed.

More fascinating facts on camel..

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