Sunday, January 22, 2017

Bat Is A Heraldic Symbol Of Spain

Bats older English name is 'flittermouse'
(fluttering of wings).

A group of bat is called colony.

Bats are insectivorous (insects eating) or frugivores(fruits eating) mammals.Bats can consumed up to 1000 insects per night.

Bats are 'chiropteras' and cousins to primates.

There are 900 bat species around the globe.Bats are prolifics and nocturnal.

Bats used echolocation to locates and identify objects or preys.

Sounds are bats 'hearing' senses.

Bats habitats includes hollows..crevices.. made structures..or 'tents' bats build by biting leaves.

Bats habitats requires two things :-(i)Roosts-to rest or to hibernate.Bats mating in the hibernation areas called hibernaculas.(ii)Foraging-keeping food in their tents.

Bats are great durians..bananas..and guavas pollinators.

Bats consumed insects..fruits..
and flower nectars.

Bats are heraldic and non heraldic symbols of Spain.

Beautiful Honduran White Bat.

Amazing Bats Facts.

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