Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ladybug~Spotlight Of The Week

Ladybugs are beetles also known as ladybirds or ladybeetles.

The term 'lady' refers to Virgin Mary according to folklore.

There are 4,300 ladybugs species nowadays.

Ladybugs smell with their feet and antennas.

Ladybugs blood are toxic to their predators.They come in a variety of bright colors such as a warning to their potential predators.

Ladybugs natural habitats are forests..
meadows..weed patches..and gardens.

Ladybugs are plant eaters and fruit eaters enemies.Their favorite plants pests are aphids.

Ladybugs can consume the average of 75 aphids per day they found in roses..
oleander..milkweed..and broccoli patches.

Ladybugs flap its wings about 5100 times per minute when they flies.

Ladybugs lay both fertile and infertile eggs in a cluster of 10 to 50 eggs.Between spring and summer..they lay the average of 1000 eggs.

More ladybugs facts not to be missed.

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