Friday, January 20, 2017

The Beauty Of How Giraffes Fall Asleep

Giraffes are natives to Africa.

Giraffes pregnants for 16 months.

Baby giraffe starts running after 10 hours of birth.

After 11 giraffe starts to eat leaves.

Giraffes reached maturity at the age of 5.Giraffes mating phases starts at the age of 7.Giraffes living in the wild lives up to 20 years whereas their fellow giraffe counterparts can lives up to 30 years in captivity.

Baby giraffe is called calf.

Male giraffe is called bull.

Female giraffe is called cow.

Giraffes natural habitats are savannahs..
grasslands..or open woodlands with lots of acacia trees..mimosas..wild apricot trees..
leaves of other trees..shrubs..and certain fruits.

Giraffes have thick and sticky saliva to protects their tongues from the thorny acacia trees.

Giraffes have special constrict to protects their brains from blocking out when they lower heads to drinks and ensure smooth blood flows.

Giraffes runs up to 35 km/h in short distance and cruising up to 10km/h in long distance.

Giraffes communicates by bellowings..
snorts..hisses..and flute like sounds low pitch noises.

Rothschild Giraffes are endangered species of giraffes living in the wooded areas and Sahara Desert.There are 670 Rothschild Giraffes left in Kenya due to poaching.

Rothschild Giraffes are dark patches on white backgrounds giraffes with beautiful orange brown leopard's markings.They have up to 5 horns.

Male and female Rothschild Giraffes living in distance until they reached maturity and mating period.

Amazing giraffes facts.

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