Thursday, January 5, 2017

Rhinoceros..Marine..And Green Iguanas ~ Iguana Facts

Iguanas are herbivores.

Iguanas comes in variety of colors such as orange..brown..and..grey.There are about 5,000 to 10,000 land iguanas in existence.

Iguanas can grow up to 6.5 feet long with 80 to 100 sharp razor teeth.

Iguanas have a row of spines in their backs and tails.

Iguanas have third eye that responded to the changing of light and to detect their potential predators like sharks.

Iguanas can fall from 50 feet height without any injuries.

Iguanas are excellent swimmers.They can dive up to 30 feet and stay underwater for 30 minutes.

Iguanas sneezes to expel excess salt and regulate salt level in their bodies.

Female iguanas chooses sandy or loose ground to lay their eggs.

A male iguana is called bull.

A female iguana is called cow.

A young iguana is called hatchling.

A group of iguanas is called clutch.

An iguana and marmoset.

Fijian Crested Iguanas~Endangered Iguanas Breed

Blue Iguanas~Endangered Iguanas Breed

Rhinoceros Iguanas~Endangered Iguanas Breed

More awesome facts on iguanas.

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