Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Birman Puss In Boots With Sapphire Eyes

Birman cats originated from Burma.Birman cats are famous as the Sacred Cats Of Burma.
According to Burmese legend..Birman cats are close companions to the Khmer priests.

The word 'Birman' derives from the French word 'Birmanie'.Birman cats were first recorded in Western world history when a pair of Birman cats arrived in French in 1919.Birman cats were recognized as French 'Sacre de Birmanie' in 1925.

Birmans are medium sized cats with pointed colors on their face..legs..and..tails that turns darker as they reached maturity.

Birmans are beautiful kitties with sparkling blue eyes..distinctive Roman nose..and adorable 'gloves and laces'.

Birmans purring in soft kitty voice with tiger-like walk.Birman cats comes in seal..
blue..chocolate..cream..red..and..lilac colors.

Birmans are friendly cats either with other breeds of cat..animals..or..humans.

Most contemporary Birman cats breeders from France..Canada..United States..
Australia..New Zealand..and..United Kingdom follows the Birman Name Conventions when giving names to their Birman cats.

If in the year 2017..the Birmans names starts with letter A.In the year 2018..the Birmans names will starts with letter B and the list will go on.

More pawwwsome Birmans facts.

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