Sunday, February 5, 2017

Snail Is Three Years ' Sleeping Beauty '

There are 1000 snails species existed in all continents except Antarctica.Snails are small to medium sized hermaphrodite mollusks.

Snails can be divided into land snails..sea snails..and freshwater snails.

A group of snails is called rout..walk..or escargotoire of snails.

Snails are blue blood nocturnals due to the presence of copper produced by their bodies hemocyanin.

Snails' shells are made of calcium carbonate and it's keep growing as snails grow till they reached maturity.

Snails' tongues are called radulas with little hooks and teeth in rows.

When a snails' eyes being cut will regrow again.

Snails breathes with their feet through an opening called pneumostome.

Snails produces mucus called slime to enable them moving on any and downs.

The tiniest snails can fit 10 times in the eye of a needle.

Snails lives in the humid..moist..damp..
shady areas.

Snails consumed fruits.

In winter..snails coating their bodies with mucus to prevent dehydration.

Snails create ' love darts' @ the hardened arrows they shoot during courtship.

Snails needs 115 days to travel up to 1  mile and 4575 years to circle the Earth with the 47 metres speed per hour.

Snails becomes food since the ancient Roman times.Apicius had snails recipes in his 1st B.C cookbook.Escargot(snails) is a classic French appetizer served with garlic..parsley..and butter.

More amazing snails facts.

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