Monday, February 6, 2017

Spiders Eats Their Web Daily To Reuse Silk Protein

Spiders can be found on every continent except Antarctica.There are 45,700 spiders species existed.

Spiders are arthropods belongs to the family of arachnids.A group of spiders is called cluster or clutter.

Spiders taste and smell with sensory organs on their legs.Spiders are near-sighted.
Spiders sense vibrations using tiny hairs and slits on most of their body parts.

Spiders weaved cobwebs using their body measurements.An average spiders in a house are 30 spiders.An average 5,000 spiders live on single cobweb.

An average 50,000 spiders occupied an acre green garden.Spiders consumed mosquitoes..fleas..flies..cockroaches..and other spiders.

Male spiders pluck their cobwebs like guitar to attract mates.

Female spiders lays between 2 to 1,000 eggs per mating depending on their species.
Female spiders carry baby spiders on their back.

Spiders are the symbol of Halloween because spiders were once seen as witches' companions.

There are no poisonous spiders in Ireland.

Montreal has the highest number of spiders in the world.English believes that wedding gowns with spider brooches brings good luck.

More unbelievable facts on spiders.

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