Tuesday, March 7, 2017

CHICKEN 101~INCREDIBLE Facts About Chicken

Chicken are famous in Egypt since mid-15th century as the 'birds that gives birth everyday'.

Chicken are domesticated fowl and a subspecies of red jungle fowl.

Chicken lives between five to ten years.
Chicken originated from Southeast Asia..
East Asia..and..South Asia.

Chicken communicates by clucking in high pitch..crowing loud..and..making shrill calls.

Male chicken over a year age is called rooster@cock.

A castrated male chicken is called capon.A male chicken below one year age is called cockerel.

Female chicken over a year age is called hen.

A female chicken below a year age is called pullet.

The young chicken are called chicks.

The word 'chook' is a generic term for chicken of all ages and both sexes.

Chicken lives in a group called flock.

A group of hens is called brood.

A group of chicks is called clutch@peep.

Chicken eats seeds..insects..lizards..and young mice.

A rooster will attracts a hen by performing ' the circle dance'.Chicken incubation are about 21 days.

Chicken egg's colors varies from bright white to brown..blue..green..and..purple with full clutch of 12 eggs.

Silkies and Bantam chicken are great pets theraphy for children with disabilities.

More chicken chicky fun facts.

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