Friday, March 10, 2017

Rhinos Horns Are MEANT For Rhinoceros~BAN RHINOS HORNS TRADE

The word 'rhinoceros' means  'nose horn'.
There are five types of rhinos.The two types of rhinos natives to Africa are (i)Black Rhinoceros (ii)White Rhinoceros.

The three rhinos natives to Southern Asia are(i)Sumatran Rhinoceros (ii)Indian Rhinoceros (iii)Javan Rhinoceros.

Rhinos are leafy greens..fruits..and..grasses loving herbivores.

Their habitats are grasslands..swamps..rain plains.

Rhinos communicates with their fellow rhinos with their scents marking and dung piles.

Rhinos poor eyesight makes them depends more on senses..smell..and..hearing for survival and communication.

Rhinos 'crash@herd' consists of seven members.

Male rhino is called bull.

Female rhino is called cow.

Young rhino is called calf.

Adult rhinos main prey are humans.
Young rhinos prey are basically animals like big cats..hyenas..wild dogs..and..
crocodiles.Rhinos gestation period last for 450 days.

Rhinos being hunted for their horns due to the myth that it's contains medicinal properties.

The major demand comes from Vietnam.Extra fun facts on rhinos.

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