Friday, March 24, 2017

Porcupines 101~Porcupine Funny Interesting Facts You Didn't Know

Porcupine are third largest rodent after capybara and beaver equipped with sharp quills coat.

Porcupine are nocturnal mammals found in Asia..Africa..Southern Europe..North America..and..South America.

Old World Porcupine can be found in Europe and Asia.

New World Porcupine is the smaller breed of porcupine can found in North and South America.

The word 'porcupine' comes from the Latin word 'porcus pig + spina spine,quill' of Old Italian..Middle French..and..Middle English origins.

Better known as 'quill pig' among Americans..'Statchelschwein'(thorn-swine) among Germans..and..ystervak(iron pig) among Afrikaans.

Porcupine lives up to 27 years.Porcupine are herbivores eating leaves..herbs..twigs..

Their habitats includes forests..deserts..
rocks..trees..and..hillsides.Male porcupine is called boar.

Porcupine is the symbol of the Libertarian Party.

Porcupine fossils dated back to the Late Miocene of Africa.More pawsome porcupine fun facts.

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