Thursday, March 9, 2017

Learn About Penguins-Penguin Fun Facts

The word 'penguin' comes from the Latin word 'pinguis' which means 'fat or oil'.
Penguin can be found in Antarctica..
Argentina..Australia..Chile..South Africa..
and..New Zealand.

Penguin are carnivores aquatic flightless birds.Penguin lives on both land and in the sea.

There are between 17 to 20 penguin breeds alive.One out of 50,000 born penguin is brown.

Baby penguin are called chicks or nestlings.

Galapagos penguin is the only penguin breed found in the Southern Hemisphere.

The largest penguin breed is the Emperor Penguin(1.1 metre).This penguin breed lives in cooler climates.The smallest breed of penguin is Little Blue Penguin.This cute and adorable little penguin lives in the temperate and tropical regions.

Penguin walking by waddling on their feet or energy-saving snow belly sliding called 'tobogganing'.

Penguin thick layer feathers protects their bodies from heat loss underwater.

Penguin consumed other marine crustaceans.

Their predators includes shark..orca..and..
leopard seal.

More awesome penguin fun facts.

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