Friday, March 3, 2017


The word  'beaver' comes from an Old English word 'beofor@befer'.

Beaver are second largest semiaquatic rodents.Beaver are great swimmers and can stay-for 15 minutes underwater.

When they're in danger or being approached by predators..they will send an alarm signals to other beaver by diving rapidly and making loud slapping of water with their broad tails.

Beaver are nocturnal and family oriented rodents.A beaver family is called colony.

Baby beaver is called kit.

Beaver are monogamous.A family of beaver consists of 10 members.Beaver protects areas for feeding..nesting..and..mating.

Beaver lives in dams..canals..and..lodges.

Beaver can be found in North America..
Europe..and..Asia.There are two types of beaver (i) North American Beaver@
Canadian Beaver(40 chromosomes) (ii)Eurasian Beaver(48 chromosomes).

Beaver are herbivores loves to eat cherry..
sedges..cottonwood..willows..alders..birchs..maple..pondweeds..quaking aspens..and..
water lilies..and fruits..and..vegetables.

Beaver can live up to 24 years in the wild.
Beaver's predators are animals like wolves..coyote..mountain bears.

In humans world..beaver being hunted for their fur and glands (medicine/perfume).

Beaver are famous for their industrious and building skills.The English word 'to beaver' means working hard and perseverance.

Beaver are famous in movies too such as The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe..Mr. and Mrs.Beaver..The Angry Beaver..and..
Happy Tree Friends.

More beaver fun facts.

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