Owl breeds includes Eurasian Eagle Owl..Rainbow Owl and Burrowing Owl.
Eurasian Eagle Owl is one of the largest owl breeds in the world equipped with 2 metres wingspan.
The Rainbow Owl is the rare breed of owls inhabited the Western United States forests and some parts of China.
Burrowing owls are diurnal and nocturnal owls hunting their prey days and nights.
Owls can live up to 60 years.A group of owls is called parliament.
Unlike other birds..owls lie down to sleep.
Owls can rotates their heads up to 360°.Owls eyes are long shaped tubes that unable them to rolls or moves their eyes.The only direction they have is looking straight ahead.Another reason why owls adapted an incredible range of necks movements.
Owls have 3rd eyelids called nictitating membrane..a crystal clear membrane which allows owls to clear any dusts that's get into their eyes and facilitates them to observes their environment and prey.
Owls soft..comb-like edges on soft flight feathers gives them the silent flight mode even though some long eared owls make noises that can be heard from 1 kilometre.
Zeus the beautiful adorable blind owl with starry eyes.
More awesome facts on owls.