Friday, December 30, 2016

The Private Life Of Deer ~ Amazing Nature

There are 60 species of deer around the globe such as white tailed..mule..elk.. deer..reindeer..fallow..
roe..pudu..and chital.

Red Deer can be found worldwide especially in Europe..Africa..Asia..
Australia..Pacific and United States.

Tufted Deer is the most rare deer breed of all.

Pudu Deer is the world's smallest deer breed found in South America especially in Chile and Argentina.They lives in bamboo thickets to avoid predators.Pudu Deer weigh up to 12 kgs and 40 cm height.

Moose is the biggest deer breed with flab skin below the throat called bell.

Sambar Deer is the deer breed native to Indian Subcontinent..Southern China..and Southeast Asia.The term 'Sambar Deer' applicable to Pinoy Deer and Javan Rusa too.

The term ' deer ' refers to a family of deer.They have thinner fur coats compared to reindeers and are less susceptible to cold climates.Only the male deer have antlers.

Their habitats includes woodlands..river bottomlands..forests edges..plains..swamps..
meadows and farmlands.

Deer eat leaves..grass..nuts..alfalfa..and fungi..depending on what's nature provides them.

A group of deer is called herd.

Male deer is called stag or buck.Female deer is called for.Young deer is called fawn.

The white-tailed deer are most common in United States.The iconic deer made famous by ' Bambi '.

More facts on deer.

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