Friday, December 23, 2016

Dog 101 ~ Pomeranian Pawsome Dog Breed

Pomeranians originated from Pomerania..
Germany.Pomeranians are descendants of Iceland and Lapland sled dogs.

Pomeranians coats comes in 23 hues from brown to cream or combination of these colors.

Pomeranians are loving..intelligent..alert..
cute..and feisty dogs.They resembles foxes when they're fully grown.

Pomeranians have big barks making them one of today's best watchdogs breed.They're not vocal naturally..but..once they've started's not easy for them to stop.

The German Spitz dogs developed the contemporary Pomeranians breed.

The smallest Spitz dogs are related to dog breeds such as Akitas..Huskies..Malamutes..
and Samoyeds.

Queen Victoria had a great love for pomeranians.She had more than 30 pomeranians making them the 1890s most famous dogs breed.

Beautiful cross breed between a Pomeranian and an Australian Shepherd.

Even pomeranian misses 'daddy' too.

More pawsome facts on poms.

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