Thursday, December 1, 2016

Amazing Zebras Facts You Should Know By Now

Zebras are categorized into the family of horses and donkeys.

Zebras are black horses with white stripes.The white stripes are black fur with lesser degree of pigmentation as the result of pigment activation and inhibition.Zebras stripes are zebras special and unique 'barcodes'.

Zebras like other animals..are close to their mothers..with an exception.Male zebras establish strong bonds with their fathers too.

Zebras graze together and groom one another.

Ostriches and zebras protects one another from predators.Ostriches can see danger better..zebras can hear or smell danger better.

Zebras used giraffe as their watchtower or observation post to observes their potential predators.

The medical term 'zebra' refers to a rare disease or medical condition.In other words..the patients who suffers rare medical diseases are medical zebras.

Other amazing zebras facts..

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