Saturday, December 17, 2016

Beautiful Birds/Parrot Confidential(Edgy Network)

Parrots are nocturnal birds.

Some of the parrot breeds includes cookatoos..lorikeets..macaws amazons..and lovebirds.

Australia is the home for 56 parrot breeds including cockatiels and galah cookatoos.

Kakapos are world largest parrots.Kakapos used to be kept as pet by Maoris.Kakapos are parrots native to New Zealand and Puerto Rican are parrots native to United States.

Parrots is one of the most intelligent animal species Parrots can live up to 80 years.

A group of parrots is called 'pandemonium'.

Parrots can see from behind without having to turn their heads.

Parrots are the most endangered bird species due to the habitats extinction and the rising of pet trade to European Union.

More interesting facts about parrots.

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