Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Cheetahs The Big Cat With SUV Speed

Cheetahs are the world oldest big cat breeds traced back since 4 millions years ago.Cheetahs is a Hindi word means ' the spotted one's or Sanskrit word means ' Chitraka '.

Cheetahs are the fastest animals on the planet with 70km/hr speed rates.Cheetahs have extraordinary vision that enables them to see up to 3 miles away.

Cheetahs..they cannot roar..they can purr.

Cheetahs are diurnal which means they hunts their prey in broad daylight.

The dark 'tear marks' protects their eyes from the bright sun.

Cheetahs long tails helps maneuvers at optimum speed during hunting.

Cheetahs are the only big cat that can turn in mid air chasing after their prey.

Cheetahs are the only cats that cannot retracts their claws 'cleats'.

The rare King Cheetahs has stripes on their backs.

She-cheetahs are solitary but male cheetahs lives in small groups.Baby cheetahs are called cubs between 3 to 5 siblings.

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