Monday, December 12, 2016

Leopards Hunting Skills l Leopards Hunting Prey

Leopards is the smallest breed of big cat.Leopards can be found in most Africa and Asia regions.

Leopards have the widest range of habitats compared to other big cats.Leopards lives in forests..mountains..grasslands..and deserts.

Leopards are nocturnal animals that hunts prey at night.Leopards night vision is 7 times better than humans equipped with hearing 5 times better than humans.

Leopards eat gazelles..impalas..deers..and wild beasts.They do hunts monkeys..
rodents..and birds too.

Leopards toes are slightly webbed to facilitate swimming and movements on slippery ground.Leopards can run up to 36 miles per hour..leap over 20 feet..and jump up to 10 feet.

Leopards spend most of their lives on trees making them the best big cat climbers.They have strong muscular limbs and retractable claws to enable them climbing up and down the trees.

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