Monday, December 12, 2016

Kangaroos Fights For The Attention Of Female Kangaroos

There are more than 50 kangaroo breeds in the world.

A group of kangaroos is called mob.

Kangaroos outnumbered Australians with 2:1 ratio.

Kangaroos cannot hops backwards.Lift their tails off the ground and they'll loose their balance movements.They cannot moves their legs independently.

Anyhow..when it comes to swimming..
kangaroos can swim with only one leg.

Kangaroos leaps like rabbits and kicks like horses.

Like cats..kangaroos loves to lay down too.

Tree kangaroos have the distinguished ability to jump from 18 metres height without getting hurt.

Like other species of animals..kangaroo have albinos too.

Female kangaroos have 3 vaginas.2 outside vaginas with 2 uteruses for procreation and the middle vagina for giving birth to baby joey.

The size of baby joey is as small as a bee.

Male kangaroos use fighting techniques to attracts their potential female kangaroo mating partners.Best man wins.

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